Kenzo Amour

By Drajat Ahmad G on 12.41

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Price: Rp. 51.000
Volume: 100ml
EDT, Women

Parfum Description
KenzoAmour, the new women’s perfume by Kenzo, is both an evocation and the fruit of a languid voyage of love in Asia, punctuated by encounters, soft sensations and perfumes bursting with life. Olfactory souvenirs brought back from a journey through India, Indonesia, Japan, Myanmar and Thailand. KenzoAmour a voyage of love. The perfume evokes a succession of lovely places with vibrant colors and scents, melding frangipani blossoms from Bali or Borobudur, cherry blossoms from Japan, thanaka wood (worn by women and children in Myanmar), incense and rice, vanilla and white tea from China. The bottles come in three colors, depending on the size—fuchsia, soft white and orange. Sensually elongated bottles that evoke a bird, symbolizing a voyage of love taking flight.

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